Chemung County Spring Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event

Chemung County’s Spring Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event is scheduled for Saturday, May 17th, 2025. This event is FREE and for Chemung County residents only (No businesses). Pre-registration is required by calling Cornell Cooperative Extension at (607)734-4453, Tuesday, April 22 through Tuesday, May 13, weekdays only from 9 am- noon and 1-4 pm. Items accepted include, but are not limited to; ammonia, bleach, brake fluid, cesspool cleaners, drain cleaners, driveway sealer, dry cleaning fluids, engine and radiator flushes and floor cleaners. Also, fluorescent lights (bulbs and tubes), gasoline, herbicides, insect sprays, mercury and items containing mercury, metal polishes, moth balls, muriatic acid, paint, old chemistry set supplies, oven cleaners, paint thinners, and pesticides. Also, photo chemicals/inks, pool chemicals, radiator cleaners, rodent killers, rust preventatives, sealants, solvents. transmission fluid, wood preservatieve and wood stripper.  Electronics NOT accepted. For more information, please visit our wevsite at or call (607)734-4453