Notice of Joint Public Hearing for a Joint Fire District



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of
Odessa, the Town Board of the Town of Catharine, the Town Board of the Town of
Cayuta, the Town Board of the Town of Hector, the Town Board of the Town of Montour
and the Town Board of the Town of Veteran shall conduct a joint meeting and joint public
hearing on September 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Odessa Montour High School
Auditorium, 300 College Avenue, Odessa, New York 14869 upon a proposal to create a
joint fire district to be known as the Odessa Area Consolidated Fire District to include the
territory described below, at which time and place said Towns and Village Boards will
jointly consider such proposal and hear all persons interested in the same.
This Notice is also made for compliance with the provisions of Public Officers Law
section 104.
The description of the boundaries of the proposed Odessa Area Consolidated Fire
District is the whole of the Village of Odessa and portions of the Towns of Catherine,
Cayuta, Hector, Montour and Veteran as it is more particularly described in Schedule A
hereto and the description of the objects and purposes for which it is proposed is that a
new fire district is formed is to provide fire protection and emergency services by a fire
district as provided by law.
DATED: Odessa, New York By Order of the Village Board of Trustees
August 28, 2024 Village of Odessa, New York
By Order of the Town Board
Town of Catharine, New York
By Order of the Town Board
Town of Cayuta, New York
By Order of the Town Board
Town of Hector, New York
By Order of the Town Board
Town of Montour, New York
By Order of the Town Board
Town of Veteran, New York



ALL THOSE TRACTS AND PARCELS and all the premises contained therein, being
described as follows, including:
The entire Village of Odessa;
Being all of said Town, and which Town is bounded on the north by the Town of Hector,
Schuyler County, New York; on the east by the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New
York, and the Town of Cayuta, Schuyler County, New York; on the south by the Town of
Veteran, Chemung County, New York; on the west by the Town of Montour, Schuyler
County, New York, excluding, however, all the property and territory which is included
within the corporate limits of the Village of Odessa, Schuyler County, New York, and
including that portion of the Village of Odessa contained within the Town of Catharine;
Being all that part of the Town of Cayuta lying in a northwesterly direction from the Socony
Mobil gas pipelines which is situated south of the Town of Cayuta;
And also from said Socony Mobil gas pipeline; southeast on State Route 224 to residents
location of 6747 State Route 224 or New York State Mile Marker 224-6302-1022.
PARCEL “A” – Commencing at a point on the south boundary line of the Town of Hector,
where the same is intersected by the Upper Foots Hill Road, thence running northerly
and westerly along the Upper Foots Hill Road to the intersection of County Route 7,
thence turning and running southerly along County Route 7 to the intersection of County
Route 7 and the Town of Hector lines, thence easterly along the south line of the Town
of Hector to the Upper Foots Hill Road.
PARCEL “B” – Commencing at a point at the south boundary line of the Town of Hector,
where the same is intersected by the Newtown Road, thence running northerly along the
Newtown Road to the Steam Mill Road, thence turning and running easterly along the
Steam Mill Road and continuing along the northern border of Parcel #4-7457-1 (Pichel)
and continuing down the east border of Parcel # 4-7-457-1 (Pichel) to the intersection of
Parcel #4-7443 (Steindorfer) and Parcel # 4-7443-10 (Cotton-Hanlon), continue easterly
along the north boundary line of lands owned by Cotton-Hanlon (Parcel #4-7443-10) to
the east boundary of said lands, thence turning and running southerly along the east

boundary line of the lands of Cotton-Hanlon (Parcel # 4-7443-10), to the north boundary
line of lands of Robert Wich (Parcel #4-7346), thence turning and running easterly along
the north boundary line of the lands of Robert Wich (Parcel #4-7436) to the west boundary
line of the lands of A. Culver (Parcel #4-7309), thence turning and running in a southerly
direction along the west boundary line of said Parcel #4-7309 (A. Culver), thence turning
and running easterly along the southern border of Parcel #4-7309 (A. Culver) to the
southwest corner of Parcel #4-7309 (A. Culver), thence proceeding northerly along the
east border of Parcel #4-7309 (A. Culver) to the northwest corner of Parcel #4-7305 (C.
Oakley) and continuing therefore to the southeast corner of Parcel # 4-7306-2 (G. Gaige),
thence turning northerly along the east border of Parcel #4-7306-2 (G. Gaige) to the
southeast corner of Parcel #4-7314 (G. Gaige), thence proceeding easterly along the
southern border of Parcel # 4-7314 (G. Gaige) to the intersection of Thom Decker Road
and County Route 6, continuing along County Route 6 to the intersection of County Route
6 and Chapman Road, thence continuing northerly along Chapman Road to the
intersection of Chapman Road and Parcel #4-7261 (P. Mosher), thence continuing
northerly along the west border of Parcel #4-7261 ({P. Mosher) to the northwest corner
of Parcel # 4-7260 (D. Cook), thence proceeding easterly along the north border of Parcel
#4-7260 (D. Cook) and north border of Parcel # 4-7259 (E. Miller) to the east line of the
Town of Hector.
Beginning at a point on the northerly boundary line of the Town of Montour and the south
boundary line of the Town of Hector, at a point where the same is intersected by County
Route 7; thence southerly on County Route 7 including all properties thereon, to the
intersection of County Route 7 and the Hayes Road; thence in a southwesterly direction,
on an imaginary straight line, to the intersection of Fitzpatrick Hill Road and the Winton
Road; thence southerly along the Fitzpatrick Hill Road, including all properties thereon to
the County line; thence east along the County line to the westerly boundary of the Town
of Catharine; thence northerly along the westerly boundary line of the Town of Catharine
to the south boundary of the Town of Hector; thence westerly along the south boundary
for the Town of Hector to the point or place of beginning, and including that portion of the
Village of Odessa that lies within the limits of the Town of Montour.
Commencing at the northeast corner of the boundary line between the Town of Veteran
and Schuyler County, New York and running thence southerly along said boundary line
to the southern boundary of land reputedly owned by Eric Kunsman; running thence
westerly on a line across the Parrott Road to the point at the intersection of Route 13,
known as the Ithaca Road, and the southerly boundary of land reputedly owned by Robert
and Dorothy Myers; thence continuing westerly on said line to a point on Terry Hill Road
and the southerly boundary reputedly owned by James Axler; thence continuing on said
line to a point on the Veteran Hill Road in the southerly boundary of the property reputedly
owned by Tony Melichar; thence continuing on said line just south of the Merka Road,
and across the Acker Road to a point on Route 5, also known as Ridge Road, as the
same intersects the southerly boundary of property reputedly owned by Daniel Russell;

thence continuing on said line to a point on Route 6, also known as Middle Road, as the
same intersects the southerly boundary of property reputedly owned by William Kimball;
thence continuing in a northwest direction to a southerly boundary of property reputedly
owned by Almon Kent and continuing on said line westerly along the southerly boundary
of Kent’s land across the Jennings Road and running thence north to the northerly
boundary line between the Town of Veteran and Schuyler County and running thence
easterly along said northerly boundary line of the Town of Veteran to the place of